Teaching Learning Based Optimization Approach for Product-Mix in a Dairy Industry

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Prof. K. Venkata Subbaiah, Rayeneni Mounica, Challa Suresh


India is the largest milk producer. Milk production in India takes place in Millions of rural households scattered across the length and breadth of the country. The performance of the Indian Dairy sector over the last three decades has been extremely impressive. The present paper deals with optimization of profit in a dairy industry that produces eight major end products. The optimum product levels are used to calculate the recourses utilization such as raw milk utilization, consumption of steam, refrigeration capacity, etc., and are compared with available quantity of resources. Teaching-Learning Based Optimization (TLBO) and Fuzzy Goal Programming (FGP) techniques are used for present thesis. These TLBO techniques perform based on the dependency of the learners in a class on the quality of teacher in the class. The teacher raises the average performance of the class and shares the knowledge with the rest of the class. The individuals are free to perform on their own and excel after the knowledge is shared. Teaching-Learning Based Optimization optimizes the considered objectives and final solution is optimum product levels produces and maximum profit. Obtained results are compared with that of the results from fuzzy goal programming optimization. This comparison showed that using TLBO is best technique to the problem.

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How to Cite
, P. K. V. S. R. M. C. S. (2016). Teaching Learning Based Optimization Approach for Product-Mix in a Dairy Industry. International Journal on Recent Technologies in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 3(6), 01–04. Retrieved from https://ijrmee.org/index.php/ijrmee/article/view/66