Quality Management with Business Growth and Common Business Problems

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Dr. Md. Zair Hussain


Effective management is the way in to the foundation and development of the business. Categorizing the problems and growth patterns of businesses in a systematic way that is useful to entrepreneurs seems at first glance a hopeless task. Businessesand organizations differ broadly in size and limit with respect to development. They are described by autonomy of activity, contrasting authoritative structures, and differed the board styles. However on closer investigation, it becomes evident that they experience normal issues emerging at comparative stages in their advancement. These purposes of comparability can be sorted out into a structure that builds our comprehension of the nature, qualities, and issues of organizations extending from a corner cleaning foundation with a few the lowest pay permitted by law representatives to a $20-million-a-year program organization encountering a 40% yearly pace of growth. For proprietors and administrators of organizations, such a comprehension can help in evaluating current difficulties; for instance, the need to update a current PC framework or to contract and prepare second-level directors to keep up arranged development.

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How to Cite
Hussain, D. M. Z. (2016). Quality Management with Business Growth and Common Business Problems. International Journal on Recent Technologies in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 3(12), 01–05. Retrieved from https://ijrmee.org/index.php/ijrmee/article/view/349