Calculative Analysis of 11KV Urban Distribution Feeder

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Ritula Thakur, Puneet Chawla


Sub-transmission and distribution systems constitute the link between electricity utilities and consumers. Efficient functioning of these segments of the electricity utility is essential to sustain the growth of the power sector and the economy of the country. Thus, the distribution sectors require economical system to provide electrical energy at a suitable prize and at a minimum voltage drop to reduce the voltage regulation. So, we require the economical way to provide the electrical energy by State Electricity Boards to various consumers at minimum voltage drop and reduce the regulation of voltage. Determination of the proper placement and rating of transformers and feeders are the main objective of the basic distribution network. The feeder voltage and feeder current are two constraints which should be within the standard range. As the distribution network is located far away from the sources of power generation and the other infrastructure of electrical power system. So, there will be voltage drop, line losses and system reliability comes into the act. Long distance to supply loads causes a significant amount of voltage drop across the distribution lines. The present work emphasis the comprehensive designing for the existing distribution network with an objective to minimize the investment cost, line losses, reliability indices for a study timeframe, distance of load and load growth. The allocation and resizing of conductors in the existing distribution urban feeders, make importance of selecting a proper optimization method, by considering different parameters, such as power factor of system, feeder voltage and current, temperature of surroundings and of the conductors etc

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How to Cite
, R. T. P. C. (2015). Calculative Analysis of 11KV Urban Distribution Feeder. International Journal on Recent Technologies in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 2(8), 74–84. Retrieved from