Electric and Magnetic Field Management Methods for Energy Management

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Ritula Thakur, Puneet Chawla


Electrical facilities produce power frequency electromagnetic fields. It is reported that those power frequency fields may disturb working of sensitive electronic equipment. Even a human?s biological system is reported to be sensitive to these non- ionizing Extremely Low frequency Electromagnetic Fields (ELF EMF). Concerns for technical as well as health effects of ELF EMF around power frequency sources were evaluated in history and they are still continuing. Even after extensive efforts common and uniform option is not drawn technically or clinically. However, professional organizations like EPRI have started their efforts towards field management research. Several research programmes were initiated on long run to identify exact association of power frequency fields with instruments and humans. These programmes have the objective to examine and identify ways to reduce the level of exposure to electric and magnetic fields around the electrical transmission and distribution lines, substations, electrical utilities and electronics devices as well as environmental aspects. In the present work, it has been tried to analyze the various EMF calculations, its effects as well as EMF MGT in various electrical and electronics systems. This article explores all the issues in concern to power frequency ELF EMF management.

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How to Cite
, R. T. P. C. (2016). Electric and Magnetic Field Management Methods for Energy Management. International Journal on Recent Technologies in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 3(1), 01–06. Retrieved from https://ijrmee.org/index.php/ijrmee/article/view/28