A Literature review on importance of Creative & Innovation in Product Design: To the Global Turbulent market

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Chandra Sekhar Macha, Dr.G.Prasanthi


In today?s highly volatile and turbulent market environment with petite product life cycles, product design must not only persuade the quality and speed of production, but it must ensure that products themselves have included innovative as well as creative values. While the need for innovation and creation for new product development remains forever in a rapidly oscillating market environment. Hence the most part of employees, employers and others are in acuity that the creativity and innovative are analogous. This paper disseminates the discrepancy of creative & innovative products towards the product design standpoint. In doing so, we define the research queries formally, and provide a precise answer, under a fussy set of assumptions. We find that an innovative artifact engenders a new market and creative product filches the major market share, which stretch to improve the environmental and contextual variables such as market growth rate and trailblazer artifacts into global market.

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How to Cite
, C. S. M. D. (2015). A Literature review on importance of Creative & Innovation in Product Design: To the Global Turbulent market. International Journal on Recent Technologies in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 2(5), 72–79. Retrieved from https://ijrmee.org/index.php/ijrmee/article/view/242