Investigation on Comparison of Fluid flow Characteristics of Two parallel Plane Jets and an Offset Jet

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Dr. Ramesh Chandra Mohapatra


There is a number of similar features between offset jets and two parallel plane jets, namely, the existence of a recirculation zone (reattachment point versus merging point) and the plane of symmetry in the two parallel jets affecting flow development in a manner similar to that a solid wall in a reattachment offset jet. It is obvious; however, that there are also fundamental differences between the two flows. Firstly, a no-slip condition applies at the wall of the offset jet where as plane of symmetry applies in two parallel jets. Second, further downstream, an offset jet develops into a wall jet while the two parallel jets combine to form a single free jet. Through the use of comparisons, the interaction of two inner shear layers on both sides of the symmetry plane in two parallel plane jets results in a much more turbulent near field than that of the offset jet. A code is used to solve a laminar, two dimensional viscous fluid flow and heat transfer. At the last, it is shown that this code is ready to use for modification for mean flow solution of the turbulent two parallel plane jets and an offset jet.

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How to Cite
, D. R. C. M. (2017). Investigation on Comparison of Fluid flow Characteristics of Two parallel Plane Jets and an Offset Jet. International Journal on Recent Technologies in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 4(7), 42–45. Retrieved from